Navin Fluorine, SRF, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Are Riding On The 'Element From Hell'

A select group of Indian firms is riding the red-hot fluorination market.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Fluorine, a yellow, unstable gas, is used in medicines and pesticides to refrigeration and EVs. (Photo:&nbsp;Arjun MJ/Unsplash)</p><p></p></div>
Fluorine, a yellow, unstable gas, is used in medicines and pesticides to refrigeration and EVs. (Photo: Arjun MJ/Unsplash)

Fluorine is so reactive and difficult to handle that scientists call it 'Lucifer' or the 'element from hell'. Yet the yellow, unstable gas has become a part of our lives, finding uses in everything from medicines and pesticides to refrigeration and EVs. A select group of Indian firms is riding this red-hot market.The lightest member of the halogen family has lifted the chemical business of companies including Navin Fluorine Ltd., SRF...
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